HELLO THERE ALL YOU FABULOUS PEOPLE!~ ;) Ah, since school started, I'm getting more tired, but everyday I am inspired. Something about this month is just so extremely terribly rushed and for some unknown reason I was rather... rebellious. As you might have realized, during my holidays all I've been doing is... Dance, sing, music, rap, act, whatever performing arts. That, and being lazy and just monkeying around. I suppose it carried on.
Before I begin, I just want to say a major thank you to those who liked my Facebook profile photo!. Never thought I'd hit 36 likes~ That's triple than what I wished for!. Thank you~ ^^ \m/
Kicked off this month with some retail therapy at a fellow 1212's fashion boutique!~ One of my favourite designers, plus love how it's like a fashion playground right there. Thanks for having us Jen!~ ;) Rock on SPF at Litmus!. ^^ \m/
Went with my friend/stylist/photographer Zureena Doofy of course ;)
February is quite a month of birthdays. Which sucks because I am a Sagitarrius and it can get quite draining to be around too much Pisces. Anyway, KDO14!. Cl1max Amira's Dad's bday. Haha. A day earlier D5vils Tania and I met up at our hometown [AMK WAZZUP!~] to get the cake. Got to know we stay pretty near each other!. Haha gosh I love how we are [almost] all like... a real family. KDO FAM FTW~ ;)
On the same topic of birthdays and family, I spent a bit more time with mine this month. Check out my sisters' post here. Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY BABY SISTER LIN!. ^^ \m/
By the way, in the photo above, we happened to be at the mall where Super Junior's Siwon and Donghae were appearing!. But what the hell, they went to Teck Whye Secondary School too?! Haha I've always wished my "idols" would come find me at my school/workplace too, dang. I've always liked Super Junior, although I am a bit jealous this just made me more inspired and hopeful. If they can visit Teck Whye, why can't I [hope to] meet Seungri?. ;) Haha. Just saying~
Ooh by the way, as an early 21Y2M prezzie, I finally have an IPHONE!. And a Gongcha. Lol. Thank you~ I can feel the love already~
*Voyage De La Vie at Universal Studios Singapore!. [120112]
21Y2M!. GeniE'zzati!~ ;)
What happened was, my mum last minute-ly gave me em tix, which she got from a friend who got it from an unknown Angmoh. So thank you Angmoh!~ Haha. Here's a photo of me with one of my favourite Angmohs [M&Ms = Eminem] ;)
Kehadiranmu mewarnai kehidupanku~~ ;)
So this is where the casino is... Lol.
I've always wanted to go to the circus. Weren't allowed to take photos so here's just a snapshot of the stage. Haha :P Seems like all acts were crammed into an hour or so, barely 36% of Vegas I'd say [not like I've been to one, but still]. I really love the stage and designs though!. Very nice to see aesthetically-developed performances~ And cool as always to see contact juggling + acrobatics + aerials + precision shooting ++ in real life. Makes me feel very proud of the capabilities of humans. :)
We want to join the circus too!. ;)
Went with Zureena Doofy again, so as always, many photos and crazy adventures.
There was a watershow after the circus show!. I'm not really sure why I sound so amused[?.] in my own country, but I swear I was more tourist-y than some foreigners were. Maybe I am too sheltered... Haha. :)
Here's my video compilation thingy, with some footages from the finals of SKDC at around the 10minute mark onwards. More photos are here :)
Last photo of the night, Vivo had pretty lights!. :D
*V.I-lentines!. [140212]
I actually spent the whole day in school. HAHA. "Forever alone"~ As an alterna-valentine, I baked myself a bunch of chocochipcookie hunks. Also made green goreng pisang, which I finished em myself. Some said that my cookies tastes Hari Raya-ish, glad that I still retain my Malay tastebuds. SEDAP AH~
My "artist/baker's statement" was to give men to those who don't have one. In the end some of the boys took the cookies too. I guess this goes to show that we could all use more yummy men in the world!~ Haha. My favourite are the ones that is slightly brown-er, buttoned up with a mohawk, and dancing. ;)
*Social Media Week Singapore 2012!.
On the same note about Valentines, it brings me to this point!. Check out Martin aka CanManLondon aka the Love Messenger's post about Singapore here!. ;)
Didn't manage to meet him due to clashing schedules and stuff, but he's a quite a sweetheart!. He even supported my "cause"/fanpage!. Haha YAY~ :D
Really glad to know the events went well!. I am a social media enthusiast so it's nice to see good movements like this. In fact, I think everyone should get basic virtual literacy/etiquette/involvement in this modern day and age.
I hate it when people always blame technology for their incapabality of handling em in life. Just like money. Those things are just tools per se, how can one even put the main responsibility in things as such?. Myself guilty though, as a media arts student we're always putting faith on our equipments.
My point is, technology is created with good intentions [I suppose]. Especially in this situation, which is to help. Of course when you invent somein it can always go either way, but I really don't think someone will make somein that will make their own life difficult. As for me, I'm forever thankful that I have the luxury of technology. :)
*Super Kpop Dance Contest Finals + Kpop DanceOff Vol 15!. [250112]
As mentioned earlier, the SKDC finals video is above. Just to make things clear, it wasn't that only 2NE1's I Am The Best was performed. I just happened to film most of the performances that had that. Haha. I must say it was quite a good contest!. There were quite a number of good performers, it was pretty close to a dance recital but in a very informal and casual way. Congrats to Girls Night Out for winning first!. And I know you can't really see it here but Amira was wearing a cute mini dress which she totally over-swagged. Haha :D
From one Kpop event to another, KDO 15!. It's back at Level 1 this time, so yeah more intimate [LOL] and just finally a smooth floor [YAY]~ :) I also got to rap, twice!~ [EVEN MORE YAY] :D
The theme was Black & Gold~ ;)
Grabbed this photo from the official page, I love how this unplanned photo consists of a mixture of the different personalities in the community. Dancers from different crews, and the vocalists, and it just seems like a happy post-event photo~ ^^ \m/
I know I've been blogging a lot about this, but it's really starting to grow on me. I suppose this blog is getting much more personal than I intended. Don't know, it just feels weird if I were to type these things out without letting you know a part of me too. Like working unpaid and feels less relatable[?.] too. :)
Talking about "work", one of my projects is on Brandon Lee!. Got to sit in one of the studio sessions for his album recording. Actually I didn't know how he looks like before, but I think he looks like David Archuleta!. His voice sounds like David Cook though!~ Pretty cool. Go Google him!. ;) Anyway, I also got reunited with a cajon~ Sorry for the unpretty photo, I was too happy I didn't really care :P
*Project: KLUNG!. [260212]
Talking about music, and I know I've been posting about Korean stuff lately, so here's something from my semi-culture!. ^^ \m/ Teaser photo~ ;) Can you guess what it is?. The one at the back is even glowing!~ ^^ \m/
Project: KLUNG! Contemporary Interpretations of Angklung, by Chasm Collective. Was introduced to it by my schmate/선배/senior Ferdi Trihadi. Posting this with much excitement!. Welcome, enter the fantastic heavenly world of... Angklung!~ :D
Angklung was my first direct contact with music when I fell deeply in love with music at the age of 12. Of course Singapore's education system "made" us learn a whole number of instruments other than the over-emphasized vocals [off the top of my head recorder, castanet, cowbell, triangle, xylophone just to name a few], but my first musical performance/competition was actually in an Angklung ensemble. SHOUTOUT TO THE C!~ ;)
Was previously in Library, before moving on Maths & Science Club, and then my friend Yuan Li and I were chatting about music when she told me Angklung was recruiting so I decided to come for the audition and I made it!~ Of course Angklung is quite an easy instrument to grasp, so it would be really pathetic of me to fail it. But I never knew how attached I'd be to it and the music and stage. Until now I still remember the 3 songs scores, right down to how nerdy I looked in the performance outfit. LOL
Back to the exhibition, I really love it~ Biased to the max because 1) The designs++ are "my type" 2) I just love angklungs and miss em so much~ :')
Thought this was pretty nice too!. Makes angklungs feel so plastic and fantastic!. Hehe :3 Very pop as compared to the original wood and traditional feel~
Angklung Hero[ine]!. ^^ \m/ This is my most favourite out of all!~ 1) It actually works!~ Reminds me of those childhood days when I was a cardboard boxcar racer [Shoutout to the band Box Car Racer!~ ;)] 2) It literally has angklungs inside!. Haha made me wonder what it'll be like if Guitar Hero had a keyboard interface instead of a guitar console. 3) I just think this could create an appeal to the younger generation who won't be interested in angklungs?. 4) It makes angklung so much easier to play, as if it already isn't easy enough. It's like playing piano only with an authentic angklung sound 5) It reminds me of those arcade pinball machines that I've always wanted to own~ By the way this was literally how my facial expression was when I used to play angklung back in the days when I was young and wild and free~ LOL
After much thought, I think this is actually my first art exhibition that I went to at my own will and interest. Haha. A pity I had to miss out Duel's Official Legal Gathering II though, heard it was really good~ :( Oh well, I did some digging these are the only two "pre-debut/childhood" angklung photos that I could find. If you can't spot me, you should really work harder on your observation skills. If you can spot me, go ahead, laugh away~ XD
Obviously I couldn't resist myself and bought a whole lot of merchandise. NYEHEHEHEHHEHEHE~ ^^ \m/
Anyway, went with Zureena again. The photos for both "adventures" are here, and we sort of recorded a video together but I'm not sure if you can see it. If you can, pardon my unprepared rapping and even more unprepared singing after. Doing vocals in Malay after Korean is harder than I thought, confused my tongue -_-"
Saw this on our way out!. I love monkeys, I'm pretty sure I am one of em. I also like the fact that there's hidden Mickeys in the monkeys. I hope monkeys never extinct~ :3
I don't know why I wanted to upload this photo.
My life story. "Ms Independent" ;)
Of course I couldn't end this post without mentioning about Big Bang's comeback. February was strangely difficult for me, but through it I've also felt more love and sweet acts[?.], so thank you very nice!~ Hopefully March will be better for all us. Meanwhile, HA. HA. HA. HA. STAYIN' ALIVE!~ ^^ \m/