JAN14!~ SUPER HAPPY to finally begin posting about 2014, even though it's not really a great year...
...but I'm quite an auspicious person and I do believe in Astrology and all that jazz to be honest they all didn't look good for this year so I was quite prepared lol
Before I start though and on the same note [Chinese Astrology], I want to say recently there's been a spike in my blogviews FROM CHINA. 你好!~ For those who haven't seen it, here ;)
At first I wondered if I just-had-a-scandal-in-China-and-blew-up, and until now I still don't know. But I don't really care anymore. I do wonder why they would even bother dropping by [stereotyping but I'm assuming they do NOT understand English and practically my whole blog is in English]...
And now I feel like I want to do somein in Chinese just to return the favour [and in case of any bad PR, just wanna leave a good impression on my side]. BUT WRITTEN CHINESE IS DIFFICULT!! T.T
Until then I want to thank those who still read my blogs, UK, US, Singapore, Malaysia, thank you for being the constant 4. Hope you enjoy reading always!~ ^^ \m/
*Welcome To 2014.
On the very first day, I got splashed with hot oil while I was trying to fry somein -.-" At first it was just some damaged skin and it got worse as time passed and became blisters, even after treatment. I've had a second-degree burn before, but it was in a more hidden part and this just sucks because I need my hands to be public for work!!
*Goodbye GDAD. [0103]
If that doesn't enough, the next event is somein rather somber. My Gdad who's been sick for quite awhile had passed away!~ :(
He's not been well for some time and was just hospitalized sometime into the new year. I'm not going to lie 1) I hate hospitals so I NEVER visit 2) His passing was sort of expected so I'm not really taken aback by the whole thing.
I know Death is a sensitive issue and I don't know if it's my defense mechanism or I just really never been affected by it so I'm quite okay. To me it's just life, people come and go, either temporarily or forever and thus I never really bothered to let it burden me.
Here's the last photo I took of him, which was after my birthday, when I wanted to sneak up on my 1212bro to shoot him with a NERF gun. I do miss him, when he was sane he's really a nice guy, loved me a lot... Always ate whatever I made and say good things about it... :')
Most importantly I miss him because he's probably the only other person in the family who wanted to die as badly as I wanted to too. Anyways he passed away peacefully and I want to thank everyone for their kind words :)
This was my first time having a personal funeral and I also want to thank everyone who came down. These two cousins of mine were so adorable it cheered everyone up.
Had some oldschool ice to cool down and urgh - I had to fry even though my wounds were still fresh. It was really sad to see my Grandmother during that time though. They really quarrelled loads [like an old couple], but I guess it's all in the name of love.
Since I was... expected to grieve[?.] I had some more free time than usual so I met up with some people to catch up over some good food.
Finally having MacDonald's Prosperity Burger again!! I know it looks kind of bad [a piece of tar in between bread] but it's good!~ :)
Yeah also had me some waffles and ice cream. During the meet-ups, some of you have heard on my Gdad's recent passing and brought along gifts!! So, thank you~ :)
Scissorberry, old GD poster, a slingbag, some bracelets,...
But my favourite has got to be the silver book!! I thought it was a notebook but to my delight it's a sketchbook!! Sketchbooks always makes me happy :D I also prepared a present for the family to cheer em up and it turns out rather well!~ ;)
*D-DAY; 23Y1M!. [0112]
To top those sweet gestures, I also received my belated birthday gift from ZRN!~ ^^ \m/
Also went shopping a little and got some freebies~ :) And finally got to try Singapore's Nene Chicken!! :D
To my surprise, they were actually Halal certified [by the time I got my butt down there to try it despite being open for so long already] which is pretty cool to me since it's a Korean establishment and I really didn't expect it. I really love it when I see Korean and Singaporean culture getting along, especially if it includes religion. A+ for effort, 네네 치킨!~ :)
It's quite weird to use gloves to eat though. Maybe I'm too used to eating such stuff with bare hands. I didn't really like the Korean pickled radish though :( And it's even sadder that they don't have Iced Tea or any tea on the menu :'( But the Swicy[?.] chicken were good~~
Not really going to recommend but need a quick Korean fried chicken fix and want to feel one step closer to heaven [if you're a Muslim/since it's Halal] then it's definitely not bad at all~ ;) Went to take neoprints after the meal~~
The top one was a pre-cut double print set which we did not find out about till after the first [bottom] one. Spent some time trying to figure out how to cut it best so that the distribution of photos makes most sense, yes I am that calculative haha.
Walked around Orchard Road and saw a horse so I told ZRN to "help me take I need a new profile picture" and this is what she gave me -_____-" HAHA
Very funny, went for a few more shots but the photos turned out rather bad so we moved on. Plus I really don't like my bandages in context with the pictures -_-"
Went to Ion Art Gallery to see if there's anything nice to see and before we entered there was a basketball!! Damn, I really felt like playing :'(
Went to see the real exhibition inside after that.
It was too dark to take pictures but for the ones fromm ZRN's phone turned out better?.
Took some silhouette shots before checking out the rest of the exhibitions and saying bye to the staff on duty~ Did the feedback form and chatted and I realized the last time I did this sort of thing was also with ZRN for Chanel's exhibition which is still awesome to me~
*Majulah Singapura.
During this month there's been quite a hoo-hah over Channel M's Kpop Starhunt 3, because it's based in here and the 'finalist' representing Singapore is doing a bad job at doing so. It agitated quite a lot of people, both for and against, her and the topic.
Like I mentioned in my video description, I don't like to ride my Youtube on "current affairs" but I am not going to let it pass because 1) its about my country 2) it's from a "young female adult" point of view 3) it's related to Kpop. There's really no one else better to do all this other than me.
I don't need to prove myself but for the record
1) I've been doing Kpop in Singapore since it first pioneered in 2010
2) I am the one and only "face" [in a sense that, I personally am a public figure about it]
3) I am probably the only one still active in the scene
4) I've been living in Singapore long enough to know what's it like in here
5) I've been living overseas long enough to know what's it like out there
OKAY that's enough. I can go on forever but let's just say that I have the most right to say about this as Steph herself, if not, even more.
I'm not going to lie, there are other K-pop pioneers in SG who are much more better than me, but some are more into Kdramas and some just prefer to be behind-the-scenes so I can't expect em to come out and speak for this. Most of em think nothing of her though, lol.
I also tried a new type of vlogging, which was quite a fail because I just wanted to focus on my job - saying what I have to say. Anyways talking about this in hindsight, I think it's interesting that many people still associate Singapore's identity to our Singlish. Although I love languages it does make me question if there are other totally Singaporean attributes that we can be proud of.
I'm not going to be like North Korea [and make my country sound oh-so-perfect], so I will once again admit that some of the stuff she said about Singapore is true.
It saddens me that there are soooo many Singaporeans who are so quick to lap her up just because she "speaks the truth" [so do I] and I guess it's just easier to connect with negativity because misery loves company.
Sometimes living in Singapore pisses me off too, but I still think at the end of the day the pros outweighs the cons. It's not the easiest way of life, and I'm sure everywhere else has its downsides too so there's really no point in shaming a country out of the blue THAT YOU ARE LIVING IN -_-"
Personally if you're unhappy with living here then either do somein [positive] about it, or just get out. Don't go around whining about how bad life is because it could be worse and negativity begets negativity.
Some Singaporean friends of mine have moved permanently to Japan, Malaysia, Paris and is living well and happily and I'm cool with it because Singapore might not be the place for everybody. I also don't believe that one should love Singapore just because they're born/raised here.
In other words I don't like you Stephanie Koh [whatever your name is I've forgotten how to spell it by now], I don't like your opinions, and I don't like what you do. A pity because when I first saw a spunky articulate girl from Singapore on Korean TV I actually wanted to support you but I guess that didn't happened and went 180.
Many thanks though to everyone who watched my video and liked it, or showed some support and discussion. I enjoyed seeing people from different walks of life from the same country with the same positive mindset. Some of you are even more positive than me!~ :) Here's another response that I quite like and is less of a personal attack than mine.
*Enjoying Life In Singapore.
I mean just check out my blog, most of the time I'm practically living a comfortable city life and I'm still in my early twenties. Haha. Too early to say about the future and I do envy some other people's seemingly better lifestyles but mine definitely ain't bad at all. ;)
Moving on very quickly, ended off January with a movie date with the SingaKorean Malaylaylayladies!~ Because I just wanted to let off some steam even after making/releasing the video :P
Had some slight "Chinese" fun by cracking fortune cookies that are available thanks to the upcoming Chinese New Year. Mine says "Marriage means more responsibility" WHATTHE. HAHAHAHA XD
Had time to waste so we decided to go for more drinks at Smoothie King!! My first time actually. Hate how the movie tickets nowadays are just normal receipt paper, a sad downgrade for a stub collector [me] :( Plus even movie tix nowadays are pricey so.. :( :(
Thankfully and rather glad that I had to experience hard-tickets [almost daily] while it existed :) Couldn't really pick a movie so we anyhow chose and it turns out to be...
I, Frankenstein!. I don't know if I didn't really enjoy it because I'm from media art school but I guess for an off-the-mill action-fantasy film it isn't too shabby. Some of the Gargoyles were really hot though, tight abs and all~~ :D
Oh and I realized that the cinema's washroom is right at the back of the movie halls?! How convenient~ Don't really have nothing else to say so yes with this I wrap up my post for January of 2014.
I really hope to publish my next post as soon as possible and that is more happy... Until then,.. My phone can't sync to my computer so I can't transfer [so sad right seriously] and there's no photo album for this month :(
2014!~ ^^ \m/