I knew about ShiggaShay when my sister Lin S8 [check out her blog too] semi-forced Still Fly on me. I thought he was pretty cool so I erm... put him on the side?. Haha [sorry!. :(] Next thing I knew, I remember watching him on NDP [I think I was looking out for Dharni + Dj Koflow though] :) Watched I'm Asian and as usual, I forgot about him until I met him at B.o.B's concert in Singapore, you can read about it here.
Thought he was pretty nice for a rapper so I followed him every now and then. Was up doing work at around 2AM when he Twitted about his livestream of him letting us who was tuning in to listen to his soon-to-be-released stuff first. Clearly missed out some parts though, by the time I came on Oszkid already told Shigga to end it bcoz it was getting late [SPOILER OR WHAT] haha. So I guess this made up for it. :P
5 Nov 2011, MeRadio Rocks 2011, The Pormontory @ Marina Bay!.
So... at around 4PM++ I finally meet up with Umi Amirah + her cousins + Ain Kamis!. Which was interesting, bcoz we've only Tweeted to each other before. They also didn't believe my age. HAHA!~ :D Got a bit lost and reached late.
Boy, was I glad to be out of the studio!. Even happier than I brought D3K along :) Bummer I wore the wrong shoes though, didn't know it was a field-ish venue -_-" Plus I hate how at field shows there'll always be a drunk dude somewhere smoking in my face :( Anyway, yes, I do like the fact that the ticket is pink. 3485!~ :)
Made just in time for THE 12TH [MAGIC NUMBER] act, Jack & Rai. Got meself some refreshments. I love how big the drink is, and that there's a lemon inside. LEMON!~ :D
Woolala boolala, bumped into Bancho and took another photo :) Also bumped into Enero!. It's as though all my favourite Singaboys were there. Haha :)
Osz The Boss [of Team Shigga]!. Don't remember why but I took a photo with him also~ [Quite a cutie tho. HAHA :D]
By right, I should've went with my sister too :(
Meza Virs started performing and em metalheads were rocking out, and from nowhere suddenly a whole group of boys came and stood beside me. Or maybe they were there long ago?. I didn't notice. Was lil bit surprised. Haha. The emcees asked us to make some noise, ladies first and I wasn't aware so we lost 20-2K to em boys. Wasn't feeling like giving in, so when the emcee asked for another I did my classic high-pitched scream and the emcee said we were both 2.5K even. Yay my scream multiplied the number by thousands!~ Haha ;)
The emcees then came down and asked if anyone could rap, and one by one the boys failed. Just when I thought the mic would be passed to me [I was next in line], they walked over and passed it to another girl. After the show, found out that Wyndee [the girl] told me she was raising her hand, so yeah fair enough lol. Plus, she pretty much killed a Nicki Minaj verse!. The drummer even played along~ Way to go, girl!~ ;)
First of all, I gotta say it was smart of Shigga Shay to have a tee-up[?.] introduction done by the emcess as opposed to the other performers who came out before performing and was "interviewed" while they were setting things up. Shigga came onstage and immediately did an intro song [I think]. Yay and ignore the ugly overlay!~ :)
Then he did the much awaited Let's Roll!~ :D I fanatically waved my SG flag in the air everytime he mentioned Lioncity. Just happened to have it with me and thought it would be fun. Haha. Realized that Shigga was wearing Jeremy Scott's wings shoes!. Should've worn my wings watch too but nehmind~ :)
Shigga's Dj does look like Jay Sean after all. And his guitarist looked like "B2ST's Kikwang" [quoted from Ain] Haha. Shigga kept pointing to the boys beside us though. Kinda awkward. They sure wasn't joking when they said "counting on his youthful exuberance" about Shigga. While I was there can't help but to somehow feel like a "cougar". Yes, I purposely made that rhyme. Not like I'm THAT old, but still~ :P
He also performed Break Me [my personal favourite out of his new songs], before ending his set with a song "for the ladies". Which is nice, because we did come for the event mostly for him. "See the stars in the sky tonight~", but there wasn't any. Haha.
With Wyndee-woman!. Haha :D Watched The Shagies perform some covers of recent hits, and then Vanessa Fernandez came on!. Probably the only female Singaporean performer that I somewhat look up to. And they performed Monster!~ :D
Hi, my name is EZT and I represent... TOMATOTOWN. The shows kinda got better as the day progressed, with some light effects play and I just thought this photo would be cool. Imagine if I were to RGB the crap outta it~ ;)
Went outta the full-of-invisible-moshers pit and to the backside[lol but really] stage. Anyway, got another awkward hug from Shigga, chatted abit, and took a photo. Damn to the purple-ish shirt dude who photobombed. And why does Shigga look rather sad?. :( Looking forward to the day when I have a good photo with Shigga~ :)
Us girls then started camwhoring and enjoying the lovely breeze.
For your reward for reading [or scrolling] until here, here's a fancam from Ain Kamis!. You can pretty much see/hear my fangirl-ism in action. I didn't intend to be that... enthusiastic but I didn't want to lose out to the boys beside me. MWAHAHAHA!~ ;D
Many flaws about the event though!. Other than the obvious poor setlist organization and sound, awkward MCing, and poor attendance... Let's just say I didn't expect much, so I was quite fine about it. Plus some acts were pretty good too, and I don't know it's just nice to hang out with other Singaporeans?. Lol. But really, it was just a nice, casual event. Until then let's keep it rolling!~ ;)
Taken with my first love D3K [oh how I miss you so], I will upload all the other photos later, but meanwhile check out the official photos here. Amongst all the random awkwardness, thank you all for a pretty interesting and lovely day [and sucha beautiful night]~ :)
I knew about ShiggaShay when my sister Lin S8 [check out her blog too] semi-forced Still Fly on me. I thought he was pretty cool so I erm... put him on the side?. Haha [sorry!. :(] Next thing I knew, I remember watching him on NDP [I think I was looking out for Dharni + Dj Koflow though] :) Watched I'm Asian and as usual, I forgot about him until I met him at B.o.B's concert in Singapore, you can read about it here.
Thought he was pretty nice for a rapper so I followed him every now and then. Was up doing work at around 2AM when he Twitted about his livestream of him letting us who was tuning in to listen to his soon-to-be-released stuff first. Clearly missed out some parts though, by the time I came on Oszkid already told Shigga to end it bcoz it was getting late [SPOILER OR WHAT] haha. So I guess this made up for it. :P
5 Nov 2011, MeRadio Rocks 2011, The Pormontory @ Marina Bay!.
So... at around 4PM++ I finally meet up with Umi Amirah + her cousins + Ain Kamis!. Which was interesting, bcoz we've only Tweeted to each other before. They also didn't believe my age. HAHA!~ :D Got a bit lost and reached late.
Boy, was I glad to be out of the studio!. Even happier than I brought D3K along :) Bummer I wore the wrong shoes though, didn't know it was a field-ish venue -_-" Plus I hate how at field shows there'll always be a drunk dude somewhere smoking in my face :( Anyway, yes, I do like the fact that the ticket is pink. 3485!~ :)
Made just in time for THE 12TH [MAGIC NUMBER] act, Jack & Rai. Got meself some refreshments. I love how big the drink is, and that there's a lemon inside. LEMON!~ :D
Woolala boolala, bumped into Bancho and took another photo :) Also bumped into Enero!. It's as though all my favourite Singaboys were there. Haha :)
Osz The Boss [of Team Shigga]!. Don't remember why but I took a photo with him also~ [Quite a cutie tho. HAHA :D]
By right, I should've went with my sister too :(
Meza Virs started performing and em metalheads were rocking out, and from nowhere suddenly a whole group of boys came and stood beside me. Or maybe they were there long ago?. I didn't notice. Was lil bit surprised. Haha. The emcees asked us to make some noise, ladies first and I wasn't aware so we lost 20-2K to em boys. Wasn't feeling like giving in, so when the emcee asked for another I did my classic high-pitched scream and the emcee said we were both 2.5K even. Yay my scream multiplied the number by thousands!~ Haha ;)
The emcees then came down and asked if anyone could rap, and one by one the boys failed. Just when I thought the mic would be passed to me [I was next in line], they walked over and passed it to another girl. After the show, found out that Wyndee [the girl] told me she was raising her hand, so yeah fair enough lol. Plus, she pretty much killed a Nicki Minaj verse!. The drummer even played along~ Way to go, girl!~ ;)
First of all, I gotta say it was smart of Shigga Shay to have a tee-up[?.] introduction done by the emcess as opposed to the other performers who came out before performing and was "interviewed" while they were setting things up. Shigga came onstage and immediately did an intro song [I think]. Yay and ignore the ugly overlay!~ :)
Then he did the much awaited Let's Roll!~ :D I fanatically waved my SG flag in the air everytime he mentioned Lioncity. Just happened to have it with me and thought it would be fun. Haha. Realized that Shigga was wearing Jeremy Scott's wings shoes!. Should've worn my wings watch too but nehmind~ :)
Shigga's Dj does look like Jay Sean after all. And his guitarist looked like "B2ST's Kikwang" [quoted from Ain] Haha. Shigga kept pointing to the boys beside us though. Kinda awkward. They sure wasn't joking when they said "counting on his youthful exuberance" about Shigga. While I was there can't help but to somehow feel like a "cougar". Yes, I purposely made that rhyme. Not like I'm THAT old, but still~ :P
He also performed Break Me [my personal favourite out of his new songs], before ending his set with a song "for the ladies". Which is nice, because we did come for the event mostly for him. "See the stars in the sky tonight~", but there wasn't any. Haha.
With Wyndee-woman!. Haha :D Watched The Shagies perform some covers of recent hits, and then Vanessa Fernandez came on!. Probably the only female Singaporean performer that I somewhat look up to. And they performed Monster!~ :D
Hi, my name is EZT and I represent... TOMATOTOWN. The shows kinda got better as the day progressed, with some light effects play and I just thought this photo would be cool. Imagine if I were to RGB the crap outta it~ ;)
Went outta the full-of-invisible-moshers pit and to the backside[lol but really] stage. Anyway, got another awkward hug from Shigga, chatted abit, and took a photo. Damn to the purple-ish shirt dude who photobombed. And why does Shigga look rather sad?. :( Looking forward to the day when I have a good photo with Shigga~ :)
Us girls then started camwhoring and enjoying the lovely breeze.
For your reward for reading [or scrolling] until here, here's a fancam from Ain Kamis!. You can pretty much see/hear my fangirl-ism in action. I didn't intend to be that... enthusiastic but I didn't want to lose out to the boys beside me. MWAHAHAHA!~ ;D
Many flaws about the event though!. Other than the obvious poor setlist organization and sound, awkward MCing, and poor attendance... Let's just say I didn't expect much, so I was quite fine about it. Plus some acts were pretty good too, and I don't know it's just nice to hang out with other Singaporeans?. Lol. But really, it was just a nice, casual event. Until then let's keep it rolling!~ ;)
Taken with my first love D3K [oh how I miss you so], I will upload all the other photos later, but meanwhile check out the official photos here. Amongst all the random awkwardness, thank you all for a pretty interesting and lovely day [and sucha beautiful night]~ :)